Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Do you have any questions about Bippit, financial wellbeing, or financial coaching? You'll find the answers to all our commonly-asked questions below, but if you have a query that's not answered, please drop us a line at

General questions

What is Bippit?

How does Bippit help my workforce?

Why should I consider Bippit above other solutions?

How much does Bippit cost?

Is the use of Bippit confidential?

Is Bippit regulated?

Is Bippit considered a taxable benefit?

Bippit financial coaching

Who are the Bippit coaches?

Are Bippit coaches independent?

What qualifications do your financial coaches have?

Do your coaches provide financial advice?

How will Bippit coaches interact with my team?

What availability is there for video calls with coaches?

How do you pick the right coach for each employee?

Will employees always speak to the same coach?

Can an employee change financial coaches?

AI at Bippit

What is Penny?

Why has Bippit developed Penny?

Why is Penny different from ChatGPT or other AI assistants?

What does Penny do?

What Penny won't do?

Will data privacy at Bippit change with the release of Penny?

What models does Penny use?

How are these models trained?

How do you ensure the guidance is appropriate?

Ongoing validation

Are outputs checked by humans?

What happens with the data?

Compliance and security

Compliance and security

Service and security

Are you ISO27001 compliant?

How do you protect user data?

Implementation and launch

How long does launching Bippit take?

How do employees access Bippit?

How do my employees sign up for Bippit?

Once you're live

What happens if we change our company headcount?

How do we know if Bippit is having an impact?

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