Making financial wellbeing enjoyable for RMP’s employees

RMP Enterprise connects talented young people with companies offering placements, internships and apprenticeships. Their mission is to help young people start their career, and to inspire better futures.

This isn’t just about the young people they work with though. They also want to give their employees the tools and support they need to grow and flourish in the future. This is what initially drew Ruby Thompson, RMP’s People Director, to Bippit. Ruby explains…

“We don’t take a glittery approach to wellbeing. Our view is that everything comes from trusting our team and making sure they’re happy.

“We weren’t actively looking at financial wellbeing, but I had a demo of Bippit’s platform and immediately thought: “wow, this is fab.”

“What attracted us to Bippit was that it’s appropriate for everyone, regardless of how much they earn, what stage of their career they’re in, or how much financial knowledge they have. Bippit caters to everyone’s different requirements.”

“We are very fortunate that our team is happy coming to us with their challenges. But myself and our Finance Director aren’t the best people to give financial advice. We knew that having Bippit’s one-to-one financial coaching would be a real benefit. A financial expert our team felt they could trust and speak to whenever they needed support.”

Using Bippit to reduce stress and attract talent

Given the financial instability we’re all facing right now, and with prices continuing to rise, more companies are looking for ways to support staff and manage financial stress. For RMP, partnering with Bippit came at just the right time.

Ruby adds: “with the cost of living situation, and all that’s going on around it, it’s great to be able to say to the team that we’ve got a financial wellbeing platform that can really help them manage their money.

“It’s a very positive message for us to communicate, and Bippit’s been really well received by the team. I’m sure it will reduce any financial stress our team may have, and so improve productivity at work.

“But Bippit isn’t just about keeping staff happy and retaining them. It will also help with talent attraction. The platform is a great part of our benefits package, and I was very aware that having it on our job ads and careers page would be a really good thing.”

Making financial wellbeing less scary

Ruby continues: “from a user perspective, Bippit is a really lovely platform to be on. Everything is so easy which makes the whole thing actually enjoyable.

“The financial world can seem intimidating and confusing, but everything Bippit does makes financial wellbeing very approachable and accessible. They don’t make you feel like an idiot.

“A lot of people are scared about having financial conversations, but Bippit will really change that.”

“with the cost of living situation, and all that’s going on around it, it’s great to be able to say to the team that we’ve got a financial wellbeing platform that can really help them manage their money."

Ready to support the financial lives of your people?

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