How Mando is using Bippit to get buy-in for employee wellbeing

Mando Agency is a team of 50+ creatives based in Liverpool. Deanne Walsh, HR and Wellbeing Lead, instinctively understands that human capital is the agency’s differentiator, while appreciating that there’s a direct link between wellbeing and performance for both the organisation, and the individuals within it. That’s why they invested in financial wellbeing through financial coaching platform Bippit.

Why the time was right for financial wellbeing

Financial coaching came through very strongly when Mando Agency conducted an employee survey during the height of the pandemic. They knew they wanted to bring in a new solution, but wanted to make sure it was one that would get trust and engagement from staff.

“We’ve tried different initiatives and don’t always get the engagement,” says Deanne, “but with Bippit we’re already at 35% adoption a few weeks after launch - and we’re aiming for higher.”

Bippit supports Mando Agency, like all clients, with an ongoing programme of engagement materials designed to keep the service in employees’ minds.

Aside from their staff survey, Mando also identified the need for financial wellbeing themselves by looking at different cohorts in the workforce and understanding their individual financial wellbeing needs, an approach that Bippit recommends.

"To get buy-in for employee wellbeing, you must win hearts and minds."

“We have a number of juniors at the moment and one of them made a comment during a team dinner about running out of money before payday,” explains Deanne.

“And one of the older members of the team asked them if they budgeted, and they essentially said no because they’d never been taught. If you’re just out of university, you’re earning a living independently for the first time."

"There are things you literally just don’t know.”

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